Parker'ın manifold kartuş valfleri, solenoid operatörler ve saplama monte valflere yenilikçi ama basitleştirilmiş bir alternatif oluşturmaktadır. Kartuş valflerimiz, yer tasarrufu yaklaşımı, daha düşük manifold maliyeti için daha az manifold işleme ve makineyle işlenecek ve bastırılacak manifold ağzı içermemesi gibi özellikler ve faydalar sunmaktadır. Ek olarak, kartuş valfler %100 test edilmiştir ve gevşek parçası yoktur; bilezik, dalma pistonu, yay ve ağız tek bir ünite olarak preslenmiştir.

Daha Fazla Bilgi


10SLC1-ANormally Closed, Pilot to Close
10SLC2-ANormally Closed, Pilot to Close
10SLC2-BNormally Closed, Vent to Open
10SLC3-ANormally Open, Vent to Close
10SLC3-BNormally Open, Vent to Close
16SLC1-ANormally Closed, Pilot to Close
16SLC2-ANormally Closed, Pilot to Close
16SLC2-BNormally Closed, Vent to Open
16SLC3-ANormally Open, Vent to Close
16SLC3-BNormally Open, Vent to Close
20SLC1-ANormally Closed, Pilot to Close
20SLC2-ANormally Closed, Pilot to Close
20SLC2-BNormally Closed, Vent to Open
AP02B2YPIncrease Pressure/Increase Current
AP02B2YRDecrease Pressure/Increase Current
AP04G2YPIncrease Pressure/Increase Current
AP04G2YRDecrease Pressure/Increase Current
ASH-04In-Line Shuttle,-4 Male JIC
ASH-06In-Line Shuttle,-6T
CB101Load Control Cartridge Valve
CDPH103Dual PO Check Package
CP084PSingle PO Check, Pilot on Port 1
CPD084PDual PO Check Cartridge
CPH104PSingle PO Check, Pilot on Port 1
CPH124PSingle PO Check, Pilot on Port 1
CSH041 Cartridge Shuttle
CSH101BCartridge Shuttle
CVH021Sense Check Valve
CVH081PCartridge Check, Poppet Type
CVH103PCartridge Check, Poppet Type
CVH121PCartridge Check, Poppet Type
CVH161PCartridge Check, Poppet Type
CVH201PCartridge Check, Poppet Type
D0WB2Cartridge Check, Ball Type
D02B2Cartridge Check, Ball Type
D04B2Cartridge Check, Ball Type
D04F2Check With Thermal Relief, Relieving Port 2 to 1
D06B2PCartridge Check, Poppet Type
D1A060Check Valve Insert, Ball Type
D1B125Check Valve Insert, Ball Type
DF122CFlow Control, NC
DF122NFlow Control, NO
DF161CFlow Control, NC
DF201CFlow Control, NC
DH1033 Way, External Pilot, Normally Open, Vent to Atmosphere
DL0812 Position, 2 Way, NC Poppet, Pull to Open
DL1012 Position, 2 Way, NC Poppet, Pull to Open
DM1033 Way, Rotary Spool
DM1044 Way, Rotary Spool
DMH085C13 Position, 4 Way, Closed Center,
DMH085C23 Position, 4 Way, Open Center,
DMH085C43 Position, 4 Way, Float Center,
DMH085C93 Position, 4 Way, Tandem Center,
DS1622 Position, 2 Way
DS1632 Position, 3 Way
DSH0812 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSH0822 Position, 2 Way
DSH0832 Position, 3 Way
DSH0842 Position, 4 Way
DSH1012 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSH1022 Position, 2 Way
DSH1032 Position, 3 Way
DSH1042 Position, 4 Way
DSH1212 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSH125 523 Position, 4 Way
DSH125 543 Position, 4 Way
DSH125 573 Position, 4 Way
DSH125 593 Position, 4 Way
DSH1612 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSH1642 Position, 4 Way
DSL0812 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSL0822 Position, 2 Way
DSL0832 Position, 3 Way
DSL0842 Position, 4 Way
DSL1012 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSL1022 Position, 2 Way
DSL1032 Position, 3 Way
DSL1042 Position, 4 Way
DSL1053 Position, 4 Way
DSL2012 Position, 2 Way, NC or NO
DSP105C13 Position, 4 Way - Closed Center
DSP105C43 Position, 4 Way - Float Center
E2*020Load Control Cartridge Valve
E2*040Load Control Cartridge Valve
E2*060Load Control Cartridge Valve
E2*125Load Control Cartridge Valve
E2*300Load Control Cartridge Valve
E6B020Load Control Cartridge Valve, 45:1 Ratio
E6B040Load Control Cartridge Valve, 3:1 Ratio
E6B060*409Load Control Cartridge Valve, 3:1 Ratio
E6K020Load Control Cartridge Valve, 15:1 Ratio
EPR083RPressure Reducing/Relieving Valve
EPR111CPressure Reducing/Relieving Valve
FA101Restrictive Flow Control, Reverse Check, Adjustable
FAP081C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAP101C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAP121C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAP161C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAP081N2 Way, Normally Open
FAP101N2 Way, Normally Open
FAP121N2 Way, Normally Open
FAP161N2 Way, Normally Open
FAPC101C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAPC121C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAPC161C2 Way, Normally Closed
FAPC101N2 Way, Normally Open
FAPC121N2 Way, Normally Open
FAPC161N2 Way, Normally Open
FC101Restrictive Flow Control, Reverse Check, Tuneable
FDC101Flow Divider/Combiner
FP101Priority Type, with Bypass
FR032 Pressure Compensated Flow Regulator
FR101Restrictive Flow Control, Tuneable
FV101Needle Valve with Reverse Check, 1 to 2 Free Flow
FV102Needle Valve with Reverse Check, 1 to 2 Free Flow
GH02 012 Position, 2 Way, NC, with Flow Adj
GP01 30Pressure Reducing Valve
GP02 514 Way, 3 Pos - Closed Center
GP02 524 Way, 3 Pos - Closed Center
GP02 534 Way, 3 Pos - Float Center
GP02 544 Way, 3 Pos - Closed Center
GS02 222 Position, 2 Way, NC Spool
GS02 272 Position, 2 Way, NO Spool
GS02 422 Position, 4 Way
GS02 513 Position, 4 Way
GS02 533 Position, 4 Way
GS02 573 Position, 4 Way
GS02 593 Position, 4 Way
GS02 72/73Bi-Directional Poppet, NC
GS02 77/78Bi-Directional Poppet, NO
GS02 80/81Bi-Directional Poppet, NC
GS02 85/86Bi-Directional Poppet, NO
GS04 52D3 Position, 4 Way
GS04 54D3 Position, 4 Way
GS04 57D3 Position, 4 Way
GS04 59D3 Position, 4 Way
GS04 80/81Bi-Directional Poppet, NC
GS04 85/86Bi-Directional Poppet, NO
GS06 80/81Bi-Directional Poppet, NC
GS06 85/86Bi-Directional Poppet, NO
GTP02 34Pressure Reducing Valve
JP02CFlow Control, NC
JP02PFlow Control, NO
JP04C 21Flow Control, NC
JP04C 31Priority Flow Control, NC
JP04PFlow Control, NO
K04C3Spool Type, Spring Centered, All Ports Closed
KSWA3Ball Insert Type
MHB-015-L***Load Control Valve Assembly
MHB-030-L***Load Control Valve Assembly
MHC-010-S***Load Control Cartridge Valve
MHC-022-S***Load Control Cartridge Valve
N5A1253 Way, 2 Position, External Drain, Open Transition
N5A3003 Way, 2 Position, External Drain, Open Transition
N5B1253 Way, 2 Position, External Drain, Closed Transition
N5B3003 Way, 2 Position, External Drain, Closed Transition
NVH081Needle Valve, Cartridge Type
NVH101Needle Valve, Cartridge Type
PR103Direct Acting Reducing/Relieving
PRH081Pilot Operated Reducing/Relieving
PRH082Pilot Operated Reducing
PRH101Pilot Operated Reducing/Relieving
PRH102Pilot Operated Reducing
PRH121Pilot Operated Reducing/Relieving
PRH122Pilot Operated Reducing
PRH161Pilot Operated Reducing/Relieving
PRH162Pilot Operated Reducing
R04E3 Normally Closed, Pilot to Close
R04F3 Normally Closed, Vent to Open
R04G3 Normally Open, Vent to Close
R04H3 Normally Open, Vent to Close
R06E3 Normally Closed, Pilot to Close
R06F3 Normally Closed, Vent to Open
R06G3 Normally Open, Vent to Close
R06H3 Normally Open, Vent to Close
R08E3 Normally Closed, Pilot to Close
R08F3 Normally Closed, Vent to Open
RAH081Pilot Operated Spool Type
RAH101Pilot Operated Spool Type
RAH101VPilot Operated Vented Relief
RAH121Pilot Operated Spool Type
RAH161Pilot Operated Spool Type
RAH201Pilot Operated Spool Type
RD102Direct Acting Relief, Poppet Type
RD163Direct Acting Differential Area Relief
RDH042Direct Acting Relief, Poppet Type
RDH081Direct Acting Relief, Ball Type
RDH082Direct Acting Relief, Poppet Type
RDH083Direct Acting Differential Area Relief
RDH101Direct Acting Relief, Ball Type
RDH103Direct Acting Differential Area Relief
RU101Direct Acting Unloading
RU104Direct Acting Unloading
SV103Direct Acting, 2P-3W, Int Pilot, Ext Drain
SV104Direct Acting, 2P-2W, NO, Ext Pilot, Ext Drain
SV105Direct Acting, 2P-2W, NC, Ext Pilot, Int Drain
SVH081Pilot Operated, Int Pilot, Ext Drain
SVH101Pilot Operated, Int Pilot, Ext Drain
SVH102Pilot Operated, Ext Pilot, Int Drain
SVH161 Pilot, Ext Drain Pilot Operated, Int
SVH162 Pilot, Int Drain Pilot Operated, Ext
XR101Direct Acting Cross-over Relief
CC1/2″ Solenoid Tubes
CA5/8″ Solenoid Tubes
DS1″ Solenoid Tubes
SW7L1/2” Proportional Tube - Short
C04-204 Size, 2 Way
MHC-010Single and Dual Counterbalance Bodies
10 Size10 Size Cavity for Dual Check and Pilot Piston
BD03-ABNA and B Port Interrupt, Body Only
CAV0W-22 Port
CAVSW-33 Port
2C2 Port
2R2 Port
2U2 Port
2X2 Port
3C3 Port or 4 Port Dual 
3K3 Port
3M3 Port or 4 Port Dual
3X3 Port
4C4 Port
5A5 Port
53-13 Port or 4 Port Dual
54-13 Port
68-13 Port or 4 Port Dual
100-15 Port
ES104362 Port